Thursday, July 30, 2009

In The News: Everyone Hates Health Care

It would seem that no one can agree when it comes to the health care debate on Capitol Hill. Each group has something nasty to say about another group and sometimes even about their own groups. It's Democrats vs. Republicans. Blue Dogs vs. Liberals. Freshman vs. Veterans. House vs. Senate. Energy and Commerce Committee vs. Finance Committee. Executive vs. Legislative. There is no end in sight for the battles being waged over the Health Care Mess.

It would seem that no one is united when it comes to the fight over Health Care. My question is: Why the rush? Why is everyone trying to get a bill passed before the August recess? With one week left before the recess and no one agreeing as to how to pull this off, what is everyone expecting to accomplish, aside from an unsuccessful vote?

It is looking as if the only real hope of a bill that won't be rushed through Congress and shoved down the throats of America is coming from the Senate Finance committee, who is actually working, and very hard at that, to achieve a bipartisan bill. However, the Finance Committee has made it very clear that they will not have a bill finished before the August Recess.

In the House we see something very different. The Liberals are very quick to try and get exactly what they want, but are running into opposition not only from the dreaded Republicans but from some members of their own party. The fiscally conservative Blue Dogs successfully created a 10 day impasse in the House Energy and Commerce Committee as they opposed the measure to use Medicare fee schedules to pay doctors and hospitals, which would, undoubtedly lead to sub-market prices being paid to doctors under the proposed public insurance plan. After giving in to the Blue Dog demands in an effort to break the impasse, Liberals were sent screaming to the press about how their ideas for the public insurance plan were now being compromised. Under the proposed bill in the House Committee, employers would also be required to provide insurance to all their employees or pay a steep payroll tax of eight percent, clearly pushing employers toward the proposed public plan. Blue Dogs as well as committee Republicans have been opposing this measure as well, with some success.

There have also been struggles within the Democratic Party with freshman congressmen from districts recently taken from Republicans. Several have bound together, including some of the Blue Dog group, to oppose budgeting and other questions in the proposed House health care legislation and have helped to postpone a floor vote on any of the legislation.

Overall it would seem that there is no end in sight for the ongoing health care battle. With many questions still hanging over all the versions of proposed legislation, it is unclear how it will all turn out. But one thing is for sure, public approval is dropping quickly as Congress argues over what to do. Liberals lose more and more ground and the proposed legislation grows more complicated each day as the not so pretty side of health care reform is seen. Will we ever pass Health Care Reform or will the Obama administration put its foot in its own mouth. It would appear the old saying, "Easier said, than done" would apply perfectly to Health Care Reform. I guess only time will tell how it all plays out.


NY Times - Criticism

NY Times - Impasse

NY Times - Freshmen

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In the News: $147 Billion Weight We Can Trim from Health Care

Health Affairs Journal published yesterday that new studies, "estimate that the medical costs of obesity could have risen to $147 billion per year by 2008." This is almost double the $78.5 billion dollars spent on obesity 10 years ago, half of which was being financed by Medicaid and Medicare. This new "analysis presents updated estimates of the costs of obesity for the United States across payers (Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurers), in separate categories for inpatient, non inpatient, and prescription drug spending," Health Affairs says in the article published yesterday online.

In a time of economic recession as our government is struggling to find a solution to curb mounting health care costs, (emphasis on the struggling), it is clear where we need to trim some fat. The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cite two-thirds of the American population as being overweight to obese. This huge problem also brings with it, clearly, tremendous medical bills. An estimated 9.1 percent of all medical spending is on obesity and weight related problems.

These figures make it clear that if we want to trim our health care budget, we need to trim our weights. It's become clearer than ever that we need to do more to get Americans leading healthier lifestyles. Clearly fast food and video games aren't the recommended diet anymore. Anyone living in New York City can now clearly see the calorie counters at any fast food restaurant. However, let me be the one to clue you in that to reach the lower end of the counter (450 calories vs. 1500 calories) you need to peel the skin off your chicken, not eat your sides or biscuit and drink water. But what would help Americans more than anything? EDUCATION! I can't stress the importance of not just teaching the same old "proper dieting" schpeel. It's important to teach people about how to comprehend the revamped food pyramid, which I don't think I speak for just myself when I say it's slightly more than complicated to read. It's also important to teach people that the so-called "Nutrition Facts" on the back of every soda bottle are not quite so straight forward. (200 calories per serving isn't that bad, except when you just unknowingly drank 3 servings.) Finally, how many people do you know that live on a 2000 calorie diet? It's great to imagine a world in which we all do and we can look at our percent daily intake based on that. But let's face the facts, if we all lived on a 2000 calorie diet... I wouldn't be writing this article.

The answer is clear. Educate people. Let them know that, contrary to what the television tells you, you can't lose weight just from taking a miracle pill. And you aren't taking in only a few calories with each soda you drink. Let's take the time to develop a physical education program in schools that doesn't alienate those who aren't quite so athletic. Frankly, it's quite sad that one of the greatest health issues facing our country is obesity, and I personally, have faith that with some education.... and maybe some motivation... we can move ourselves in a better direction.


Health Affairs Journal

New York Post

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Welcome to The Fabulous States of America!

This is my first post on the Fabulous States. This has been some time in the making. I would like to thank everyone who inspired me to create this outlet for my own political thoughts and ideas as well as all the people who have and are continuing to help make this a reality.

The Fabulous States of America will offer a great range of material from: Original pieces and interviews, news commentary and campaign coverage. I look forward to giving all of my readers alot to chew on. So keep your eyes open for some great stuff!

Here's to the Fabulous States of America!